Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. ~ 2 Timothy 4:2
Sermon Series
A non-negotiable aspect of the ministry of the Elders at LHBC, and the #1 priority of our Gatherings, is what we call the “proper presentation of The Word.” This involves two primary aspects: exegetical preparation and expositional presentation.
Exegetical preparation refers to the process of allowing the Biblical text to define itself. “Exegesis” is the process in which a Bible student identifies the context, content, and concept of a passage in order to understand its meaning and application.
Expositional presentation refers to the process of communicating God’s Word as it was given to us, through a sequential context. “Exposition” is the process of teaching through Scripture in a verse-by-verse or chapter-by-chapter process in order to maintain the integrity of context and observe the author’s original concept developed through the passage.
Below you will find all of the sermon series since we began listing them on the website.